Why Counselling?
Why counselling?
I sit and reflect on my journey (so far).
Keep Trying
Self esteem is such a fragile thing. So easily damaged by ourselves and others.
Reflections on this unique relationship.
I think about the counselling experience in it’s uniqueness.
Are you a People Pleaser? I am in recovery.
People pleasing…what does it mean?
We hear so much about it don’t we? Is it a bad thing? Can it be a good thing? How do you know if you are one?
Is no in your vocabulary?
What makes you find it tricky to say no? I’ll tell what I struggle with.
Why does everyone keep banging on about boundaries?
Boundaries - what are they, why do we need them and what’s all the fuss about?
I’m fine, honest!
Are you fine all the time? Do you ever wonder why you struggle to express your needs.
If onlys…
If onlys. We could wish our lives away living in the past, trying to change the unchangeable.
A lot of Talk
Some people, all they do is talk, but then why do we keep listening?